Mech Gym Environment
follows the gym.Env interface.
The Mech Gym environment is a custom environment designed for path synthesis of linkage systems, and it keeps track of various aspects of the linkage throughout the generation process. This includes the revolute joint locations for all time steps, the edges between revolute joints, the set of scaffold nodes, all action combinations, the goal trajectory, the distance of the coupler to the goal, the reward, and many other things.
Despite the complexity of the Mech Gym environment, it provides all the main functionality of an OpenAI Gym Env, with additional methods that can be useful. The environment should be designed as several classes, but during development, it was easier to keep everything in one class for simplicity. I hope to refactor this in the future.
Create an instance of the Mechanism environment:
where env_kwargs
is a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the environment. The following keyword arguments are supported:
- class linkage_gym.envs.Mech.Mech(max_nodes, bound, resolution, sample_points, feature_points, node_positions=None, edges=None, goal=None, normalize=True, self_loops=False, use_node_type=False, seed=None, fixed_initial_state=False, ordered_distance=False, constraints=[], min_nodes=5, debug=False, distance_metric='sqeuclidean')[source]
Custom Environment that follows gym interface
- active_cycles()[source]
Returns all the active loops in the linkage graph
- Returns
all cycles in linkage graph NOTE: this includes cycles with 3 nodes which are not valid loops
- Return type
- add_edge(id0, id1)[source]
Add edge to linkage graph
- Parameters
id0 (int) – index of node 0
id1 (int) – index of node 1
- add_node(node_pos)[source]
Add node to the linkage graph
- Parameters
node_pos (Nd.Array) – initial position of revolute joint Shape: (2, )
- apply_random_action()[source]
Applies a random valid action to the current environment
- Returns
Observation, Reward, Done, Info
- Return type
(Nd.Array, float, bool, dict)
- coords_to_pix(x)[source]
Helper function for self.render converting coordinates to pixels
- Parameters
x (Nd.Array) – coordinates Shape: (2, n)
- Returns
pixel locations Shape: (2, n)
- Return type
- coupler_traj(normalize=True, scale=None, shift=None)[source]
Return the coupler node trajectory
- Parameters
normalize (bool, optional) – Normalized curve. Defaults to True.
scale (float, optional) – scaling factor. Defaults to None.
shift (Nd.Array, optional) – x,y shift for all points. Defaults to None.
- Returns
coupler trajectory
- Return type
- dfs(visited, edges, node, known_joints)[source]
Helper function for depth first search
- Parameters
visited (list) – visited nodes
edges (set) – set of edges
node (int) – node index
known_joints (list) – known joint trajectories
- get_active_nodes()[source]
Helper function to get all known nodes that contribute to coupler trajectory
- Returns
node indexes that are used for coupler FK, edges that are useful for linkage graph
- Return type
(list, set)
- get_distance(scale=None, shift=None)[source]
Distance between the coupler trajectory and the goal
- Parameters
scale (float, optional) – scaling factor for coupler trajectory. Defaults to None.
shift (Nd.Array, optional) – shifting vector for coupler trajectory. Defaults to None.
- Returns
- Return type
- get_edge_lengths()[source]
Helper function to return all the edge lengths
- Returns
Lengths of each edge Shape: (e, )
- Return type
- get_edge_mask(id0, id1)[source]
Valid scaffold node locations for adding to Assur 0DOF linkage to node0 and node1
- Parameters
id0 (int) – index of node 0
id1 (int) – index of node 1
- Returns
valid scaffold nodes for adding to linkage graph
- Return type
- get_edges(limit=None)[source]
Helper function to return all the edges in the current linkage graph
- Parameters
limit (int, optional) – edges between nodes bellow a particular index. Defaults to None.
- Returns
Array of edge index pairs Shape: (e, 2) [id0, id1]
- Return type
- get_observation()[source]
Observation of current linkage state
- Returns
[X ((Node_features)*max_nodes), adj (max_nodes*max_nodes), mask (max_nodes), action_mask (number_of_actions)] flattened
- Return type
- get_valid_env(bar_type=None)[source]
Generate random valid linkage graph
- Returns
is valid
- Return type
- is_valid()[source]
Checks that linkage graph is valid
- Returns
linkage graph is valid
- Return type
- metadata = {'render_fps': 2, 'render_modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']}
- number_of_active_nodes()[source]
Helper function returns number of active nodes
- Returns
number of active nodes in linkage graph
- Return type
- number_of_cycles()[source]
Number of active linkage graph loops
- Returns
number of active linkage graph loops NOTE: this excludes loops of 3 nodes (also known as triads as they are not useful)
- Return type
- number_of_edges()[source]
Helper function returns the number of edges that make up the current linkage graph
- Returns
number of edges
- Return type
- number_of_nodes()[source]
Helper function returns number of nodes currently in the linkage graph
- Returns
number of nodes
- Return type
- paper_plotting(show=False, show_goal=True, show_coupler=True, show_obj=True)[source]
Helper function for plotting figures used in paper
- Parameters
show (bool, optional) – show the plot. Defaults to False.
show_goal (bool, optional) – plot the goal on figure. Defaults to True.
show_coupler (bool, optional) – plot the coupler curve on figure. Defaults to True.
show_obj (bool, optional) – add objective value of linkage to figure. Defaults to True.
- Returns
the figure object
- Return type
- plot_graph(plot_paths=False, plot_coupler=True, filename=None, coupler_idx=None)[source]
Helper function to visualize linkage graph
- Parameters
plot_paths (bool, optional) – plot revolute joint trajectories. Defaults to False.
plot_coupler (bool, optional) – plot coupler joint trajectory. Defaults to True.
filename (str, optional) – filename to save figure. Defaults to None.
coupler_idx (int, optional) – index of coupler index or other node that you want to be known as the coupler. Defaults to None.
- Returns
- Return type
- random_4_bar(edges, bar_type=None)[source]
Random valid n bar linakge NOTE: not really N_bar, based on edges input
- Parameters
edges (Nd.Array) – set of edges Shape: (e, 2)
n (int) – number of revolute joints
- render(mode='human')[source]
Render the linkage being generated
- Parameters
mode (str, optional) – visualization mode. Defaults to “human”.
- Raises
DependencyNotInstalled – needs pygame
- Returns
- Return type
- reset()[source]
Reset the environment to a root linkage
- Returns
observation of the linkage (x, adj, mask, action_mask) flattened
- Return type
- satisfy_constraints()[source]
Checks if linkage graph satisfies the constraints
- Returns
- Return type
- seed(seed=None)[source]
Set the seed for gym env
- Parameters
seed (int, optional) – seed used for gym env. Defaults to None.
- Returns
the seed value
- Return type
- step(action)[source]
Update linkage graph with new action
- Parameters
action (int) – index of action
- Returns
Observation, Reward, Done, Info
- Return type
(Nd.Array, float, bool, dict)