
The script uses the argparse module to parse command-line arguments. This module provides a way to define a set of command-line options and arguments that can be passed to the script when it is run. The argparse module automatically generates a help message that describes the available options and arguments, which can be displayed by running the script with the –help option.

The script includes many command-line options that control various aspects of the training process, such as the learning rate, batch size, number of epochs, and optimizer. Before running the example, users should look through the available options and their default values to ensure that the training process is configured correctly for their use.


The script can be run with the following command:

python <options>


The following command-line options are available:

-h, --help

Show the help message and exit.

--max_nodes MAX_NODES

Maximum number of revolute joints on linkage graph (default: 11, type: int)

--resolution RESOLUTION

Resolution of scaffold nodes (default: 11, type: int)

--bound BOUND

Bound for linkage graph design [-bound, bound] (default: 1.0, type: float)

--sample_points SAMPLE_POINTS

Number of points to sample the trajectories of revolute joints (default: 20, type: int)

--feature_points FEATURE_POINTS

Number of feature points for node vector used in GNN (default: 1, type: int)

--goal_filename GOAL_FILENAME

Goal filename (default: jansen_traj, type: str)

--goal_path GOAL_PATH

Path to goal file (default: data/other_curves, type: str)


Add self-loops in adj matrix (default: False, type: None)


Normalize trajectory for feature vector (default: False, type: None)


Use node type id for feature vector (default: False, type: None)


Use same initial design state for all training (default: True, type: None)

--seed SEED

Random seed for numpy and gym (default: 123, type: int)


Get minimum ordered distance (default: True, type: None)

--body_constraints BODY_CONSTRAINTS

Constraint on Non-coupler revolute joints[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] (default: None, type: float)

--coupler_constraints COUPLER_CONSTRAINTS

Constraint on Coupler joint [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] (default: None, type: float)


Use GNN feature embedding (default: True, type: None)


Use batch normalization in GNN (default: True, type: None)

--model MODEL

Select which model type to use Models=[DQN, A2C, PPO, random] (default: PPO, type: str)

--n_envs N_ENVS

Number of parallel environments to run (default: 1, type: int)

--checkpoint CHECKPOINT

Load a previous model checkpoint (default: None, type: str)

--update_freq UPDATE_FREQ

How often to update the model (default: 1000, type: int)

--opt_iter OPT_ITER

How many gradient steps per update (default: 1, type: int)

--eps_clip EPS_CLIP

PPO epsilon clipping (default: 0.2, type: float)

--ent_coef ENT_COEF

PPO epsilon clipping (default: 0.01, type: float)

--gamma GAMMA

Discount factor (default: 0.99, type: float)

--lr LR

Learning rate (default: 0.0001, type: float)

--batch_size BATCH_SIZE

Batch Size for Dataloader (default: 1000, type: int)

--buffer_size BUFFER_SIZE

Buffer size for DQN (default: 1000000, type: int)

--steps STEPS

The number of steps to train (default: 50000, type: int)

--num_trials NUM_TRIALS

How many times to run a training of the model (default: 1, type: int)

--n_eval_episodes N_EVAL_EPISODES

The number of epochs to evaluate the model (default: 100, type: int)

--m_evals M_EVALS

How many times to run the evaluation with varying seeds (default: 1, type: int)

--log_freq LOG_FREQ

How often to log training values (default: 1000, type: int)

--save_freq SAVE_FREQ

How often to save instances of model, buffer and render (default: 10000, type: int)

--wandb_mode WANDB_MODE

Use weights and biases to log information Modes=[online, offline, disabled] (default: online, type: str)

--wandb_project WANDB_PROJECT

Set weights and biases project name (default: linkage_sb4, type: str)

--verbose VERBOSE

Verbose from sb3 (default: 0)

--cuda CUDA

Which GPU to use [cpu, cuda:0, cuda:1, cuda:2, cuda:3] (default: cpu, type: str)


If you don’t want to train (default: False, type: None)


Further optimize best designs found with CMA-ES node optimization (default: False, type: None)


To train a PPO model on the Jansen Linkage trajectory for 100 epochs on the GPU with a learning rate of 0.001, you can run:

python --model PPO --goal_filename jansen_traj --goal_filepath data/other_curves --epochs 100 --cuda cuda:0 --lr 0.001

This will train the model and save the trained weights to the default output directory.